Professional Affiliations
Colorado Bar Association, Sections of Corporations, Banking and Business
Larimer County Bar Association
B.S.B.A. in Finance from The Ohio State University
Juris Doctor from The Ohio State University
Master of Arts in Finance and Accounting, University of Nebraska
Bar Admissions
Previously admitted in Colorado, Ohio, Texas, Nebraska, Colorado and Nebraska Federal Courts, and United States Tax Court
Practice Areas
Mr. Wolfe retired from Wolfe, Van Ackern & Stephenson LLP in 2022.
The founding member of the firm, he is an experienced corporate, securities, and tax attorney. He has organized numerous corporations and limited liability companies. For over 35 years he has prepared private placement memorandums to enable clients to raise capital for new and growth-oriented businesses.
Ken has represented both buyers and sellers in mergers and acquisitions, including a $107 million acquisition and the sale to publicly traded corporations. He has also represented corporations desiring to spin-off divisions, as well as those reacquiring the shares of minority shareholders through a tender offer.
Mr. Wolfe has counseled clients and prepared the documentation to franchise their businesses.
Ken was licensed to practice before the U.S. Tax Court.
In addition to an extensive corporate practice, Ken assisted clients with their estate planning and has handled the administration of numerous estates.
Ken taught at the university level for 26 years. With degrees in finance and accounting, in addition to law, he frequently taught finance, accounting, and tax courses.
He was the general counsel for Summit Utilities, Inc., a natural gas local distribution company, from its inception until he retired from this position. The company grew to over $700 million in assets. His representation included handling large, complex debt financing.
Handbook for Business Law, co authored with Terry Lantry
Considerations and Recommendations Regarding Owner’s Associations, University of Nebraska, 1976
The Colorado Lawyer, “Homeowners Associations Can Now Be Tax Exempt,” July, 1977
The Practical Lawyer, ALI ABA, “Advice to a Client Who Wishes to Sell His Own Home,” October, 1982. This article was also selected for inclusion in The Practical Lawyer’s Real Property Law Manual No. 2; and also published in One on One, the newsletter of the New York Bar Association, Summer, 1983, and the National Association of Legal Assistants Real Estate Newsletter.
Bridging the Gap, co authored with Ralph V. Switzer, Jr., a manual regarding the opening, operation, and management of a law office designed for the inexperienced attorney.
Authored a chapter for a book oriented to sole practitioners titled Flying Solo published by the American Bar Association in July, 1984; revised edition published in 1994 and published in 1996 by the Japanese Bar Association.
Business World, monthly contribution of business/legal articles for about seven years. Titles of some of the articles include: Valuation of a Business; Outline of Steps in Selling or Buying a Small Business; Considerations for Acquisition or Merger of a Business; Changes in Expense Reimbursement to Employees; Limited Liability Company Act; Tips for When Government Investigators Call Your Business; Changes May Be Necessary in Corporate Life Insurance Policies; Where to Obtain Capital to Start a Business; Minutes of Corporate Meetings.